Thursday 3 April 2014

Hell - What sends you to here?


Hell in the Bible is a place of future punishment and the final destination for unbelievers. It is described in Scripture using various terms such as eternal fire, outer darkness, a place of weeping and torment, the lake of fire, the second death, unquenchable fire. The most terrifying reality of hell is that it will be a place of complete, unending separation from God.
What Sends You to Hell?
  1. idolatry
  2. adultery
  3. prostitution
  4. theft
  5. greed
  6. drunkenness
  7. swindling
  8. impurity
  9. witchcraft
  10. discord
  11. jealousy
  12. fits of rage
  13. dissensions
  14. factions and envy
  15. orgies
  16. lying
  17. cowardice
  18. unbelief
  19. sorcery
  20. sexual immorality
  21. homosexual offenses
  22. slander
  23. hatred
  24. selfish ambition
  25. abomination
  26. murder
The list is fairly extensive and includes some things that all of us have done. At the end of the first creation we will appear before the great white throne of God. God will go through the “books” to see if we have committed any of the deeds listed above. In addition, the names will be checked to see if they are written in the 'Book of Life'. Anyone whose name is not found in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire, based upon the evil deeds that they had done in their lives. God does not grade on the curve, so all people who have been guilty of any one of the violations above and whose names are not in the 'Book of Life' will be sent to the lake of fire, which is the second death.

If you have committed any of the violations of God’s laws listed above, you should expect to go to the lake of fire. As with any transgression of law, we are convicted on the basis of our guilt with regard to the crime. The good things that we have done do not change or impact the charge for which we stand trial. Only those whose moral record is perfect or those who have been made righteous (i.e., based upon the moral perfection of Jesus Christ) will escape the judgment.

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