Thursday 1 May 2014

Jesus - His Influence On World


Historians and scientists recognize that there was a Jesus in history, that he performed miracles, and that he was a great teacher. What many, though not all, reject is the fact that he was who he claimed to be: Jesus Christ, the Son of God - The Messiah, Savior of the World.

Why? Frequently, one of the only reasons people do not want to turn to Christ isn't because they do not believe in him or do not believe in God - it's because they don't want to change the way they live their life. The Bible calls for a drastic inner change - a change of lifestyle, a change of heart.

Alright, so let's say you are a skeptic, a critic. Let's take a look at the impact that Jesus of Nazareth has had on history. No single person in the entire history of the world has affected history as much as Jesus has. Jesus is the most well-known figure in history, as well.

Encyclopedia Britannica

The secular encyclopedia, Britannica, devoted 21,000 words to Jesus Christ, holding as the largest of the biographies, surpassing that of former US President Bill Clinton - his was a mere 2,511 words. The story of a young carpenter from a small village who would later go on to become the single most influential person in all of human history, even to this day, nearly 2,000 years after his death by crucifixion, is not one crafted by creative minds.

The Calendar

The calendar we typically use is based around his birth - BC means Before Christ, AD means Anno Domini. (In the Year of our Lord) Some mistakenly believe that AD means After Death, however, but Christ was born around 3/4 BC and died between 30-33 AD.


Scholars have often found the teachings of Jesus to be most wise and astute. At the very least, they hold Jesus in regard as a great teacher. Jesus was only in the public eye for around three and a half years, and is more well-known and influential than even the big three philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato. Those three philosophers had around a total of 150 years in the public eye.

The Outline Of History

Take H.G. Wells for example. Known for such works as The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, War of the Worlds, and many others, he had written a 1200 page volume titled "The Outline of History." Wells was a Darwin supporter, and not a believer. He was startled when he had completed to manuscript, to find that two pages had been devoted to his hero, Plato, and that there was a total of forty-one pages devoted to Jesus Christ - larger than any other historical figure in the work.

No Doubt

There is no doubting that Jesus is the most influential person in history. Jesus will continue to fascinate and intrigue the world until the end. Men will try to disprove his existence or even his claims, but we hold these truths to be self-evident. Jesus himself said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) Jesus, the most intriguing, fascinating person in all of history is the very one whom God sent to save us, if we would only just believe and accept him.

Effect that Continues

If we were to take a look at each and every way that Jesus Christ has influenced history, has influenced culture, religion, society, life in general, politics, economics, and what have you, I suppose we would be sitting here for quite a while indeed, for no one man can determine what a major impact Jesus Christ has had upon the lives of billions of people in history - and the effect that he continues to have on us today.

All we have to do is accept the sacrifice and accept him as Lord and Savior, and we will be saved. Jesus will forever hold the title of the most influential person in history, and will remain so.

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