Sunday 4 May 2014

Heaven, What is it?

The Bible gives us a more complete picture of heaven than we might guess. First, we can take a little look at what heaven won't be.

In heaven, there will be: No power shortages, for God is all powerful; no bumping into things in the dark; no sleepless nights (there is no night there, Revelation 21:25). Nor will there be: Bills; hospitals; bank accounts. In fact, heaven will have: No complaints; no back-talk; no hate; no fear; no crime.

Now, let's take a close look at what heaven will be like: 

1.Heaven will be a place of fellowship.

 "I go to prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive you unto myself" (John 14:3). The children of God shall "meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord" (I Thessalonians 4:17). "He who overcomes, I will give him the Morning Star." "I am Jesus. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and Morning Star." (Revelation 2:26-28; 22:16). "And it shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer, and while they are yet speaking, I will hear" (Isaiah 65:24).

2. Heaven will be a place to worship God.

When Isaiah speaks for the Lord of the new heavens and earth, he prophesies that "all flesh shall come to worship before me" (Isaiah 66:22,23). The Apostle, John, also predicts the same thing saying: "For Thou only are holy: for all nations shall come and worship before Thee" (Revelation 15:4; 21:24).

3. Heaven will be a place of joy and productive work. 

We can be sure that in heaven we will be like God and Jesus, and they have always worked. Jesus said, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work" (John 5:17). We find this same description of the new heavens and new earth in Revelation 21:1 and Isaiah 65:17. Isaiah describes it as a place of joy where there will be no tears nor the sound of crying. This is in Isaiah 65:19, and also in Revelation 21:4; 7:17. Isaiah continues to show us it will be a place where one can labor and see his labor bear fruit. This is in Isaiah 65:21-23.

4. Heaven will have a beauty beyond our imagination.

The best John could do to describe heaven was to say it was like an entire city of transparent gold. He says: The walls of the new city are precious jewels. The gates are twelve single pearls. The city itself and its streets are pure gold, yet like transparent glass. This is found in Revelation 21:18, 19, 21. And the whole city is lighted by the glory of God. 

5. Heaven is a place of matchless blessings. 

Jesus has prepared a mansion for us there. Great treasure is stored up for us; in fact, the saints "will inherit all things" (Revelation 21:7). The leaves of the tree of life will guarantee our health. and the crystal pure water of the river of life will flow from the throne of God to the tree of eternal life. For the first time since the Garden of Eden, God's children may eat out of this tree in His paradise (Genesis 3:22 and Revelation 2:7).

In heaven we will be given new names, new imperishable bodies. and we will be clothed in the white robes of righteousness. We will be glorious living stones; pillars in the eternal temple of God (I Corinthians 15:52; 1 Peter 2:5; Revelation 3:12).

Best of all, heaven with God and Jesus will be a place of love. God in tender love will wipe away all our tears (Revelation 21:4). The angels will rejoice as heaven fills with righteous Christians (II Peter 3:13). Those spirits who have hungered and have thirsted to humbly live with God; those with pure hearts; those who have willingly endured persecution; and those who have lived for God's peace, will live together in life and love forever and ever.

Friday 2 May 2014

Early Jesus Depiction Found

A team of Catalan archaeologists have discovered what they believe could be one of the oldest depictions of Jesus made by the earliest Coptic Christians in Egypt.

The researchers uncovered an underground structure in a series of buried tombs that date to the 6th and 7th centuries. Among the Coptic, or early Christian, images painted on the structure's walls was what lead researcher Josep Padró described as "the figure of a young man, with curly hair, dressed in a short tunic and with his hand raised as if giving a blessing."

Photo courtesy of the University of Barcelona.

"We could be dealing with a very early image of Jesus Christ," Padró told La Vanguardia.

The researchers removed 45 tons of rock to access walls where the painting was found, which are situated among several sites Padró has been excavating for the last 20 years.

The drawing is under lockdown while researchers begin to translate the inscriptions surrounding it.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Jesus - His Influence On World

Historians and scientists recognize that there was a Jesus in history, that he performed miracles, and that he was a great teacher. What many, though not all, reject is the fact that he was who he claimed to be: Jesus Christ, the Son of God - The Messiah, Savior of the World.

Why? Frequently, one of the only reasons people do not want to turn to Christ isn't because they do not believe in him or do not believe in God - it's because they don't want to change the way they live their life. The Bible calls for a drastic inner change - a change of lifestyle, a change of heart.

Alright, so let's say you are a skeptic, a critic. Let's take a look at the impact that Jesus of Nazareth has had on history. No single person in the entire history of the world has affected history as much as Jesus has. Jesus is the most well-known figure in history, as well.

Encyclopedia Britannica

The secular encyclopedia, Britannica, devoted 21,000 words to Jesus Christ, holding as the largest of the biographies, surpassing that of former US President Bill Clinton - his was a mere 2,511 words. The story of a young carpenter from a small village who would later go on to become the single most influential person in all of human history, even to this day, nearly 2,000 years after his death by crucifixion, is not one crafted by creative minds.

The Calendar

The calendar we typically use is based around his birth - BC means Before Christ, AD means Anno Domini. (In the Year of our Lord) Some mistakenly believe that AD means After Death, however, but Christ was born around 3/4 BC and died between 30-33 AD.


Scholars have often found the teachings of Jesus to be most wise and astute. At the very least, they hold Jesus in regard as a great teacher. Jesus was only in the public eye for around three and a half years, and is more well-known and influential than even the big three philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato. Those three philosophers had around a total of 150 years in the public eye.

The Outline Of History

Take H.G. Wells for example. Known for such works as The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, War of the Worlds, and many others, he had written a 1200 page volume titled "The Outline of History." Wells was a Darwin supporter, and not a believer. He was startled when he had completed to manuscript, to find that two pages had been devoted to his hero, Plato, and that there was a total of forty-one pages devoted to Jesus Christ - larger than any other historical figure in the work.

No Doubt

There is no doubting that Jesus is the most influential person in history. Jesus will continue to fascinate and intrigue the world until the end. Men will try to disprove his existence or even his claims, but we hold these truths to be self-evident. Jesus himself said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) Jesus, the most intriguing, fascinating person in all of history is the very one whom God sent to save us, if we would only just believe and accept him.

Effect that Continues

If we were to take a look at each and every way that Jesus Christ has influenced history, has influenced culture, religion, society, life in general, politics, economics, and what have you, I suppose we would be sitting here for quite a while indeed, for no one man can determine what a major impact Jesus Christ has had upon the lives of billions of people in history - and the effect that he continues to have on us today.

All we have to do is accept the sacrifice and accept him as Lord and Savior, and we will be saved. Jesus will forever hold the title of the most influential person in history, and will remain so.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Jesus is God

Jesus is the God
Jesus Christ Exhibits the Attributes of God
Jesus Christ
Who is omnipotent (all powerful)?
Who is omniscient (all knowing)?
Who is omnipresent (present everywhere)?
Who is the only creator?
Who is the only savior?
Who will judge mankind?
Who is eternal?
Who is the fountain of living waters?
Who resurrects the dead?
Who gives rewards to man?
Who has all authority and power?
Who gives power and authority to man?
Who forgives sin?
Who has the greatest name?
Whom are we to worship?
Who is the good Shepherd?
Who is "Lord of Lords?"
To whom shall every knee bow?
Who alone is Holy?
Whose blood cleanses us?
The world was created for whom?
Who is above all?
Who is forever the same?
Who is our light?
Who is the way or path?
Who gives us rest?
Who gives eternal life?

Miracles of Jesus

Jesus performed numerous miracles during His earthly ministry. These are summarized in the table below, although the apostle John told us in his gospel that Jesus did many more miracles that were never recorded in written form (John 21:71)

Water to wine >> John 2:1-11
Healing official's son  >> John 4:46-54
Possessed man healed  >> Mark 1:21-27, Luke 4:33-37
Peter's mother-in-law healed  >> Matthew 8:14-15, Mark 1:29-31, Luke 4:38-39
Many healed at Capernaum  >> Matthew 8:16-17, Mark 1:32-39, Luke 4:40-41
Many in Galilee  >> Matthew 4:23-25
Catch of fish   >> Luke 5:1-11
Leper healed  >> Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45, Luke 5:12-16
Paralytic healed  >> Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26
Lame man healed  >> John 5:1-17
Withered hand healed  >> Matthew 12:9-14, Mark 3:1-6, Luke 6:6-11
Many in Galilee  >> Matthew 12:15-21, Mark 3:7-12, Luke 6:17-19
Centurion's servant  >> Matthew 8:5-14, Luke 7:1-10
Widow's son raised  >> Luke 7:11-17
Sea made calm  >> Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25
Demoniac healed  >> Matthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39
Jairus daughter raised  >> Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:22-43, Luke 8:41-56
Woman with hemorrhage  >> Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:24-34, Luke 8:49-56
2 blind men healed  >> Matthew 9:27-31
Mute man healed  >> Matthew 9:32-34
5000 fed Matthew  >> 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17
Walks on water  >>  Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, John 6:15-21
Gennesaret sick healed  >> Matthew 14:34-36, Mark 6:53-56
Many healed in Galilee  >> Matthew 9:35
Some healed in Nazareth  >> Mark 6:1-6
Gentile's daughter healed  >> Matthew 15:21-28, Mark 7:24-30
Many at Sea of Galilee healed  >> Matthew15:29-31, Mark 7:31-37
4000 fed  >> Matthew 15:32-39, Mark 8:1-10
Blind man healed  >> Matthew 16:5-12, Mark 8:14-26
Deaf/blind man healed  >> Mark 7:31-37
Transfiguration of Jesus  >> Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-13, Luke 9:28-36
Epileptic boy healed  >> Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:14-29, Luke 9:37-42
Coin in fish  >> Matthew 17:24-27
Blind man healed  >> John 9:1-41
Deaf/blind man healed  >> Matthew 12:22-24, Luke 11:14-15
Bethsaida blind man healed  >> Mark 8:22-26
Crippled woman healed  >> Luke 13:10-17
Man with dropsy healed  >> Luke 14:1-16
Lazarus raised  >> John 11:1-45
Ten Lepers healed  >> Luke 17:11-19
Crowds in Judea healed  >> Matthew 19:1-2
Blind Bartimaeus healed  >> Matthew 20:29-34, Mark 10:46-52, Luke 18:35-43
Blind/lame in Jerusalem healed  >> Matthew 21:14
Fig tree withered  >> Matthew 21:18-22, Mark 11:12-24
Ear of Malchus healed  >> Luke 22:47-53, John 18:10-11
Resurrection of Jesus  >> Matthew 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-20, Luke 24:1-53, John 20:1-31
Catch of fish  >> John 21:1-14


The teachings and miracles Jesus performed and His resurrection from the dead testify that Jesus is God. Since Jesus is God, it is imperative that we do what He told us. Jesus told us we were to follow Him and that whoever believed in Him would have eternal life (John 3:16).Those who reject Jesus after knowing who He is, have rejected the only provision to cleanse us from our sins in order to live with God in heaven. Do not put off a decision to follow Jesus, your God. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Now is the day of salvation!

The Influence of the Bible

Today it seems that there are forces in the world that are trying to remove Christianity from our society in the name of Pluralism, saying it's not constitutional or not fair to those who hold to another faith. When one truly studies the history of our nation one will find that the good things that made our nation safe, secure and free had its roots in Christianity.

During the time of American Revolution, French philosopher, Voltaire, once said that Christianity will become a thing of the past before he died. He has been dead now for over 200 years and Christianity is still around.

If you were to remove everything that has been influenced by the Bible from our society, here are a few of the many things you would have to get rid of.


Since Creationist's and Evolutionists both believe that our planet is over 2000 years old, why is our dating system marking us in the 21st century? Because it marks the birth of the Savior of mankind who was born in a manger in Bethlehem. If our time starts somewhere, why not start it at a time when the Creator of the universe took the form of man.

Within the last 50 years, there has been such hatred towards Christianity that scholars have changed our time system from BC (Before Christ) to BCE (Before Common Era), and AD (Anno Domini = The year of our Lord) to CE (Common Era). How amazing that up until this last generation most people who were not Christian did not have a problem with it.

Science and Astronomy

Even though today's public school students have been devoid of the how the Bible played a key part in Science, here are just a few things that show how God and the Bible played a part in this subject.

Names of Stars and Constellations - The naming of the stars and constellations, like Orion, were named by God. We find this in the oldest book in the Scriptures, Job.

The Earth  For many years the earth was thought to be flat until explorers proved otherwise. Around 600 BC the Prophet Isaiah recorded in Isaiah 40:22 that the earth was round.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics - Originated in the Garden of Eden from in the Book of Genesis.

Meteorology - Some of the principals used in this field have their origin in the Book of Job.

Zoology - The Classification of Animals are by kinds which have their origins from the account of Creation found in the book of Genesis. 

The Structure of Authority

Marriage - No matter what faith you practice, since the beginning of time, there has always been the understanding of a relationship of a man and a woman and them becoming as one flesh. The very institution of marriage originated from the Book of Genesis.

A generation ago if a man cheated on his wife or divorced her, he had a really good chance of losing his job or being passed over for promotion. Corporate leaders believed that how a man ran his home determined his success which originated from the Bible.

Civil Government - The United States three Branch Government originated from Isaiah 33:22 as well as other laws that are found in our Constitution. Maybe that is why the Constitution is the longest lasting in world history. Did you know the Declaration of Independence mentions God four times (Creator, Nature's God, Supreme Judge, and Divine Providence)


Before the influence of Darwin, law students were taught from Blackstone's Commentaries of the Law which used the Law of Moses as it's foundation. The ideal that was taught was that the Law was universal and unchanging and that it kept a society in check.

Swearing in of a witness - For hundreds of years people who were giving testimony at a trial had to put their hand on a Bible and swear that they would tell the truth so help them God. Now that is considered unconstitutional.

Capital Punishment - When human government was established in Genesis 9 one of the commands of the Lord was if a man killed another his life would be required (9:6). For many years when Capital punishment was the law of the land our crime rate was low because the law was a deterrent to not commit murder. When Capital punishment was removed, there was no accountability for evil men.


Origin of Language - Before Darwin's publication of the Origin of Mankind, linguistics held that the origins of language have their root in Hebrew. Over 22,000 English words have their root in Hebrew. That's more than the roots of Greek, Latin, and French.


Before the ninetieth century nearly every college and university used the Bible as the foundation of their education. Many of our founding fathers believed and promoted that the Bible needed to be the foundation of all learning. See what the founders of Harvard said concerning education.

"Let every student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life, and therefore to lay Christ at the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning."

The Authors of Bible

The prophet Moses began the first five books of the Bible sometime before 1400 B.C. The apostle John penned the last book of the Bible, Revelation, about A.D. 95. Scripture contains books and letters from over 40 prophets and messengers of God, all of whom wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. See 2 Tim. 3:16,17.

The various Bible writers lived at different times, some separated by hundreds of years. In many cases they were complete strangers to one another. Some were businessmen or traders, others were shepherds, fishermen, soldiers, physicians, preachers, kings-human beings from all walks of life. They served under different governments, and lived within contrasting cultures and systems of philosophy. But here is the wonder of it all: When the 66 books of the Bible with their 1,189 chapters made up of 31,173 verses are brought together (KJV), we find perfect harmony in the message they convey. As the great scholar F.F.Bruce noted: "The Bible is not simply an anthology; there is a unity which binds the whole together."

The Bible writers gave God's messages by voice and pen while they lived, and when they died, their writings lived after them. These prophetic messages were then gathered together, under God's leading, in the book we call the Bible.

The Scripture says in II Peter 1:20-21, "You must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."

They wrote by the Revelation

The Holy Spirit revealed to the prophets the messages of Scripture. The writers of the Bible wrote not according to their own will or whim, but only as they were moved, or controlled, by the Spirit of God. The Bible is God's own book!
II Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

The Holy Bible affects human beings so profoundly because "all" the Bible is "God-breathed." It's more than a nice collection of moral principles; it's more than a great book; it's an inspired document, God's book. The prophets related what they saw and heard in human language, but their message came directly from God.

What is Hell ?

The Bible describes hell as a terrifying and horrible place. Hell is described as “eternal fire” (Matthew 25:41), “unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3:12), “shame and everlasting contempt” (Daniel 12:2), a place where “the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:44-49), and “everlasting destruction” (2 Thessalonians 1:9). Revelation 20:10 describes hell as a “lake of burning sulfur” where the wicked are “tormented day and night forever and ever.” Obviously, hell is a place we should avoid.

The Bible makes many references to Hell throughout its pages:
  1. Hell is a place of physical agony, mental suffering, loneliness and emotional sorrow.  It is described as a place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.(Jude 6; Matt 8:12; Matt 13:42, 50; Matt 25:30;).
  2. Hell is a place of insecurity and fear. The Bible describes it as a bottomless pit, an abyss. (Revelation 20:1).
  3. Hell is a place of instability. It is described as a lake of fire. Hell is a place where every moment is lived in uncertainty (Matthew 5:21-23; Revelation 20:15).
  4. Hell is a pit of darkness; totally devoid of light. It is pitch black in hell; there's nothing to distract people from their suffering, sorrow, fears, insecurities, and instability. (2 Peter 3-5).
  5. Hell is a place of dissatisfaction. It is described as a fire; a fiery furnace. It may be a literal fire that creates a physical sensation of burning or just an overwhelming yearning for God, for love, for joy, for peace, for life that will never be. (Matthew 5:22; Matt 13:42 and 50; Matt 18:8-9; Matt 25:41; Mark 9:43, 47-48) .
  6. Hell is a place of eternal separation from God. Each person who goes to hell will be separated forever from the source of life, the heart of love, the very One for Whom they were created. Hell is a place where your soul will be destroyed (Matthew 7:23 and 10:27-29).

Escape The Hell

Not going to hell is easier than you think. Some people believe they have to obey the Ten Commandments for their entire lives to not go to hell. Some people believe they must observe certain rites and rituals in order to not go to hell. Some people believe there is no way we can know for sure whether or not we will go to hell. None of these views are correct. The Bible is very clear on how a person can avoid going to hell after death.

Why does hell even exist, and why does God send some people there? The Bible tells us that God “prepared” hell for the devil and the fallen angels after they rebelled against Him (Matthew 25:41). Those who refuse God’s offer of forgiveness will suffer the same eternal destiny of the devil and the fallen angels. Why is hell necessary? All sin is ultimately against God (Psalm 51:4), and since God is an infinite and eternal being, only an infinite and eternal penalty is sufficient. Hell is the place where God’s holy and righteous demands of justice are carried out. Hell is where God condemns sin and all those who reject Him. The Bible makes it clear that we have all sinned (Ecclesiastes 7:20;Romans 3:10-23), so, as a result, we all deserve to go to hell.

So, how can we not go to hell? Since only an infinite and eternal penalty is sufficient, an infinite and eternal price must be paid. God became a human being in the Person of Jesus Christ (John 1:1,14). In Jesus Christ, God lived among us, taught us, and healed us—but those things were not His ultimate mission. God became a human being so that He could die for us. Jesus, God in human form, died on the cross. As God, His death was infinite and eternal in value, paying the full price for sin (1 John 2:2). God invites us to receive Jesus Christ as Savior, accepting His death as the full and just payment for our sins.
God promises that anyone who believes in Jesus (John 3:16), trusting Him alone as the Savior (John 14:6), will be saved, i.e., not go to hell.
God does not want anyone to go to hell (2 Peter 3:9). That is why God made the ultimate, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice on our behalf. If you want to not go to hell, receive Jesus as your Savior. It is as simple as that. Tell God that you recognize that you are a sinner and that you deserve to go to hell. Declare to God that you are trusting in Jesus Christ as your Savior. Thank God for providing for your salvation and deliverance from hell. Simple faith, trusting in Jesus Christ as the Savior, is how you can avoid going to hell!

Thursday 3 April 2014

Bible - What is it actually ? Story Book or what ?

The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 authors, in three different languages, on three different continents, over approximately 1600 years. The Bible claims to be inspired and inerrant. This means that the Bible claims to be from God and that it is without error in everything it addresses.

On so many levels, the Bible is an extraordinary book, from its diverse content and literary styles to its miraculous preservation down through the ages. While the Bible is certainly not the oldest book in history, it is the only ancient text with existing manuscripts that number in the thousands.

For a long period in history common men and women were forbidden access to the Bible and its life-transforming truths. Today the Bible is the best selling book of all time, with billions of copies distributed throughout the world in more than 2,400 languages.

The Important Message

The Bible is not a history book, a psychology text, or a scientific journal. The Bible is the description God gave us about who He is, and His desires and plans for humanity. The most significant component of this revelation is the story of our separation from God by sin and God’s provision for restoration of fellowship through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross. Our need for redemption does not change. Neither does God’s desire to reconcile us to Himself.

The Bible contains a great deal of accurate and relevant information. The Bible’s most important message—redemption—is universally and perpetually applicable to humanity. God’s Word will never be outdated, superseded, or improved upon. Cultures change, laws change, generations come and go, but the Word of God is as relevant today as it was when it was first written. Not all of Scripture necessarily applies explicitly to us today, but all Scriptures contain truth that we can, and should, apply to our lives today.


God Created Us for His Glory

“Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory” (Isaiah 43:6-7). God made all of us in his own image so that we would image-forth, or reflect, his character and moral beauty.

Every Human Should Live for God’s Glory

“Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). The way to live for the glory of God is to love him (Matthew 22:37), trust him (Romans 4:20), be thankful to him (Psalm 50:14) and obey him (Matthew 5:16). When we do these things we image-forth God’s glory.

We Have All Sinned and Fallen Short of God’s Glory

“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). “Although they knew God they did not glorify him as God or give thanks to him…but exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images…” (Romans 1:21-23). None of us has loved or trusted or thanked or obeyed God as we ought.

We All Deserve Eternal Punishment

“The wages of sin is (eternal) death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Those who did not obey the Lord Jesus “Shall suffer the punishment of eternal destruction and exclusion from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might” (1 Thessalonians 1:9). “They shall go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” (Matthew 25:46).

In His Great Mercy God Sent Forth His Only Son Jesus Christ to Provide for Sinners the Way of Eternal Life

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13). “Christ also died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18).

Eternal Life Is a Free Gift to All Who Will Trust in Christ as Lord and Savior

“Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). “If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). “By grace are you saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God—not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8). “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

Hell - What sends you to here?

Hell in the Bible is a place of future punishment and the final destination for unbelievers. It is described in Scripture using various terms such as eternal fire, outer darkness, a place of weeping and torment, the lake of fire, the second death, unquenchable fire. The most terrifying reality of hell is that it will be a place of complete, unending separation from God.
What Sends You to Hell?
  1. idolatry
  2. adultery
  3. prostitution
  4. theft
  5. greed
  6. drunkenness
  7. swindling
  8. impurity
  9. witchcraft
  10. discord
  11. jealousy
  12. fits of rage
  13. dissensions
  14. factions and envy
  15. orgies
  16. lying
  17. cowardice
  18. unbelief
  19. sorcery
  20. sexual immorality
  21. homosexual offenses
  22. slander
  23. hatred
  24. selfish ambition
  25. abomination
  26. murder
The list is fairly extensive and includes some things that all of us have done. At the end of the first creation we will appear before the great white throne of God. God will go through the “books” to see if we have committed any of the deeds listed above. In addition, the names will be checked to see if they are written in the 'Book of Life'. Anyone whose name is not found in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire, based upon the evil deeds that they had done in their lives. God does not grade on the curve, so all people who have been guilty of any one of the violations above and whose names are not in the 'Book of Life' will be sent to the lake of fire, which is the second death.

If you have committed any of the violations of God’s laws listed above, you should expect to go to the lake of fire. As with any transgression of law, we are convicted on the basis of our guilt with regard to the crime. The good things that we have done do not change or impact the charge for which we stand trial. Only those whose moral record is perfect or those who have been made righteous (i.e., based upon the moral perfection of Jesus Christ) will escape the judgment.

Jesus - Myth or Real?

We do not grant this idea that the Bible cannot be considered a source of evidence for the existence of Jesus. The New Testament contains hundreds of references to Jesus Christ. There are those who date the writing of the Gospels to the second century A.D., more than 100 years after Jesus’ death. Even if this were the case (which we strongly dispute), in terms of ancient evidences, writings less than 200 years after events took place are considered very reliable evidences. In terms of ancient manuscript evidence, this is extraordinarily strong proof of the existence of a man named Jesus in Israel in the early first century A.D.

Historical evidences of Jesus

Some of the more important historical evidences of Jesus include the following:

  1. Roman Tacitus, who is considered one of the more accurate historians of the ancient world, mentioned superstitious “Christians” (from Christus, which is Latin for Christ), who suffered under Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius. Suetonius, chief secretary to Emperor Hadrian, wrote that there was a man named Chrestus (or Christ) who lived during the first century (Annals15.44). 
  2. Flavius Josephus is the most famous Jewish historian. In his Antiquities he refers to James, “the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ.” There is a controversial verse (18:3) that says, “Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man. For he was one who wrought surprising feats….He was [the] Christ…he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him.” One version reads, “At this time there was a wise man named Jesus. His conduct was good and [he] was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. But those who became his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion, and that he was alive; accordingly he was perhaps the Messiah, concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders.” 
  3. Pliny the Younger, in Letters10:96, recorded early Christian worship practices including the fact that Christians worshiped Jesus as God and were very ethical, and he includes a reference to the love feast and Lord’s Supper. 
  4. Mara Bar-Serapion confirms that Jesus was thought to be a wise and virtuous man, was considered by many to be the king of Israel, was put to death by the Jews, and lived on in the teachings of His followers.
Overwhelming Evidence

There is overwhelming evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ, both in secular and biblical history. Perhaps the greatest evidence that Jesus did exist is the fact that literally thousands of Christians in the first century A.D., including the twelve apostles, were willing to give their lives as martyrs for Jesus Christ. People will die for what they believe to be true, but no one will die for what they know to be a lie.

God - His Attributes & Characteristics

The Bible, God’s Word, tells us what God is like and what He is not like. Without the authority of the Bible, any attempt to explain God’s attributes would be no better than an opinion, which by itself is often incorrect, especially in understanding God (Job 42:7). Failure to do so can cause us to set up, chase after, and worship false gods contrary to His will (Exodus 20:3-5).

Only what God has chosen to reveal of Himself can be known. One of God’s attributes or qualities is “light,” meaning that He is self-revealing in information of Himself (Isaiah 60:19;James 1:17). The fact that God has revealed knowledge of Himself should not be neglected (Hebrews 4:1). Creation, the Bible, and the Word made flesh (Jesus Christ) will help us to know what God is like.

Let’s start by understanding that God is our Creator and that we are a part of His creation (Genesis 1:1;Psalm 24:1) and are created in His image. Man is above the rest of creation and was given dominion over it (Genesis 1:26-28). Creation is marred by the fall but still offers a glimpse of God’s works (Genesis 3:17-18;Romans 1:19-20). By considering creation’s vastness, complexity, beauty, and order, we can have a sense of the awesomeness of God.

Attributes & Characteristics:
  1. God is eternal, meaning He had no beginning and His existence will never end. He is immortal and infinite (Deuteronomy 33:27;Psalm 90:2;1 Timothy 1:17). 
  2. God is immutable, meaning He is unchanging; this in turn means that God is absolutely reliable and trustworthy (Malachi 3:6;Numbers 23:19;Psalm 102:26,27). 
  3. God is incomparable; there is no one like Him in works or being. He is unequaled and perfect (2 Samuel 7:22;Psalm 86:8;Isaiah 40:25;Matthew 5:48). 
  4. God is inscrutable, unfathomable, unsearchable, and past finding out as far as understanding Him completely (Isaiah 40:28;Psalm 145:3;Romans 11:33,34). 
  5. God is just; He is no respecter of persons in the sense of showing favoritism (Deuteronomy 32:4;Psalm 18:30). 
  6. God is omnipotent; He is all-powerful and can do anything that pleases Him, but His actions will always be in accord with the rest of His character (Revelation 19:6;Jeremiah 32:17,27). 
  7. God is omnipresent, meaning He is present everywhere, but this does not mean that God is everything (Psalm 139:7-13;Jeremiah 23:23). 
  8. God is omniscient, meaning He knows the past, present, and future, including what we are thinking at any given moment. Since He knows everything, His justice will always be administered fairly (Psalm 139:1-5;Proverbs 5:21). 
  9. God is one; not only is there no other, but He is alone in being able to meet the deepest needs and longings of our hearts. God alone is worthy of our worship and devotion (Deuteronomy 6:4). 
  10. God is righteous, meaning that God cannot and will not pass over wrongdoing. It is because of God’s righteousness and justice that, in order for our sins to be forgiven, Jesus had to experience God’s wrath when our sins were placed upon Him (Exodus 9:27;Matthew 27:45-46;Romans 3:21-26). 
  11. God is sovereign, meaning He is supreme. All of His creation put together cannot thwart His purposes (Psalm 93:1;95:3;Jeremiah 23:20). 
  12. God is spirit, meaning He is invisible (John 1:18;4:24). 
  13. God is truth, He will remain incorruptible and cannot lie (Psalm 117:2;1 Samuel 15:29). 
  14. God is holy, separated from all moral defilement and hostile toward it. God sees all evil and it angers Him. (Isaiah 6:3;Habakkuk 1:13;Exodus 3:2,4-5;Hebrews 12:29).
  15. God is gracious, and His grace includes His goodness, kindness, mercy, and love. If it were not for God’s grace, His holiness would exclude us from His presence. Thankfully, this is not the case, for He desires to know each of us personally (Exodus 34:6;Psalm 31:19;1 Peter 1:3;John 3:16,17:3).

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